Game & Word: A New Year’s Greeting for 2023, and some Announcements!
Publisher: Jay Rooney
Author, Graphics, Research: Jay Rooney
Logo: Jarnest Media
Founding Members:
Le_Takas, from Luzern, Switzerland (Member since April 14, 2022)
Ela F., from San Diego, CA (Member since April 24, 2022)
Alexi F., from Chicago, IL (Member since May 13, 2022)
Elvira O., from Mexico City, Mexico (Member since May 18, 2022)
Special Thanks:
Every single one of you 840 subscribers, for your ongoing readership and support!
Message from the Publisher
Dear Readers:
Wow. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to think. All I can do is remember back to this very moment one year ago, on New Year’s Eve, in the last remaining hours of 2021.
By then, I had lost two jobs to the pandemic in as many years. Well, if I’m being fully honest with myself, burnout and the Peter Principle cost me those jobs at least as much as that insidious little pathogen that decimated salaries and budgets almost as ruthlessly as it did people, families, and communities.
Fact of the matter is, I was long done with the rat race by that point. I’d sooner jump a bridge than return to the toxic, degrading, and spiritually corrosive space we call “Corporate America.” And yet, I still had a family that depended on me to keep a roof over their heads. What was I to do?
Well, people say you should “do what you love.” Which is easier said than done, but I had little choice at this point. Fortuntely, I loved to write, and I loved video games—the latter of which is a multi-billion dollar industry, and the former an essential skill I could feasibly monetize as the attention economy gradually cracked, then slowly crumbled.
So I directed all my resources (material, mental, emotional, and temporal) towards creating Game & Word—a better space to talk about video games, and hopefully earn me a decent living.
After setting up a Substack account, I spent a few months learning from the community, creating a growth strategy, content calendar, mission statement, and doing all that foundational stuff you’re supposed to do when starting a business.
Finally, on December 31, 2021, at around 8:30pm—a date and time in which, were it up to me, I’d have been on my way to a New Year’s party to load up on champagne—I was sitting at home, staring at my computer.
I’d already written, edited, re-edited, uploaded, and lined up my inaugural post. All I had to do was hit the “Schedule” button, at which time Game & Word would cease becoming a hopeful concept, and transform into something real, going out into the real world, where real people would read it.
I don’t know how long it took me to finally click that button. Could have been seconds. Could have been hours. But it felt like decades. Regardless, eventually, I did click the button. I vaguely remember New Year’s fireworks going off in Animal Crossing: New Horizons on my Switch nearby, but that just seems too convenient. Wonderfully symbolic image, though!
Now, fast forward a year later… and it still feels surreal.
An email newsletter… but actually, much more than that: a bonafide, fledging media business. An actual publication.
And not just any publication. But rather, a publication which:
Counts over 800 subscribers—people who have, of their own volition, invited the publication into their already-crowded inboxes;
Counts over 50 people who have—again, of their own volition—decided its content is valuable enough to support with real-world money;
Has hosted distinguished historians, psychologists, economists, linguists, archaeologists, storytellers, and game industry veterans on its companion podcast;
Has been featured and recognized by Substack itself for its quality;
Accomplished all of this in one year.
But most mind-blowing of all… one year ago today, this publication was little more than an idea. Today, it’s a reality.
And it’s all thanks to YOU, dear reader. I’m sure I sound like a broken record by now, but I can never thank you enough for reading and subscribing to Game & Word. And if you’re a paid subscriber (and especially a founding member), even more so! So, once more:
Now, on the cusp of a whole new year, I can’t help but try to imagine what this whole new year will have in store for me and my humble publication. I can’t. Words fail me.
But if it’s anywhere near as eventful as this past year has been, then… well, my friends, we’re all in for one hell of a ride!
Like an overambitious narrative designer’s branching narrative, there’s an unfathomable number of paths that Game & Word can follow into the future. Fortunately, I no longer have to walk this path alone—YOU are here to walk it with me.
As such, I want you to be as much a part of Game & Word’s journey as I am. This publication would not be where it’s at without you. So, why wouldn’t I give you a say in where this whole newsletter venture goes next?
With that in mind, I humbly ask for your input on where this publication should go in 2023.
For starters… what should Volume 5’s Topic be?! Yes, I’m asking YOU. Don’t worry, I’ve already narrowed it down to four topics. All you have to do is vote on your favorite:
“AbraCODEabra: The Mystical, Mysterious, and Magical Side of Video Games” [History/Philosophy/Metaphysics/Religion]
“Game Apetít: A Culinary Survey of Video Games” [History/Culture/Culinary Arts]
“You Can Pet the Game: The Secret Lives of Pets (and Other Furry Friends) in Video Games” [Culture/Psychology/Science]
“Grand Theft America: How Games Hold a Mirror to Society” [Culture/Society]
So… which would you like to see first? Note that I plan on covering all of these in 2023, though I obviously can’t make any guarantees—if there’s one thing that 2022 taught me, it’s that thoroughly covering a topic takes far longer than even my most generous estimates.
So, to put it simply: if you really, really, REALLY want me to cover a particular topic, bumping it to the top of the queue is your best chance.
Cast your vote here:
This next ask is more involved, but well worth your while. As I start out 2023, I want to ensure I’m providing the best experience possible for my readers. So I created a survey, which you can fill out to let me know what you’re enjoying, what you’re not enjoying, and what you’d like to see more of.
Completing the survey only takes a few minutes, and you’ll be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card:
That is all. Game & Word will wrap up Volume 4 in the coming weeks, after which I’ll start getting everything ready for Volume 5. Just as with Volume 4, the “regular” weekly issue of Game & Word will pause for a few weeks as I prepare (plan, research, etc), though paid subscribers will still receive weekly bonus content throughout this period.
Once again: thank you for your readership and support. I hope your hangover’s not too bad, and I wish you all the best for 2023. I’m looking forward to experiencing the year ahead with you.
Happy New Year!
~Jay Rooney
Publisher, Game & Word
PS—I’m still working on a BIG announcement for y’all! I’m still working on it, but fear not: once it’s ready, it’ll be worth the wait!
Previous Issues
NOTE: Game & Word is a reader-supported publication. The two most recent issues are available to all, free of charge, until new issues are published (podcasts and videos will always remain free).
Older issues are archived and only accessible to paid subscribers. To access articles from the Game & Word archive, support my work, and keep this newsletter free and available to all, upgrade your subscription today:
Volume 1 (The Name of the Game): Issue 1 ● Issue 2 ● Issue 3 ● Issue 4
Volume 2 (Yo Ho Ho, It’s a Gamer’s Life for Me): Issue 1 ● Issue 2 ● Issue 3 ● Bonus 1 ● Issue 4 ● Issue 5 ● Issue 6 ● Issue 7 ● Bonus 2 ● Issue 8 ● Bonus 3
Volume 3 (Game Over Matter): Intro ● Issue 1 ● Issue 2 ● Issue 3 ● Podcast 1 ● Issue 4 ● Video Podcast 1 ● Bonus 1 ● Issue 5 ● Podcast 2 ● Issue 6 ● Issue 7 ● Issue 8 ● Issue 9 ● Podcast 3 ● Bonus 2
Volume 4 (Tempus Ludos): Intro ● Issue 1 ● Video Podcast 1 ● Video Podcast 2 ● Issue 2 ● Issue 3 ● Issue 4 ● Issue 5 ● Podcast 1 ● Issue 6 ● Issue 7 ● Issue 8 ● Issue 9
Or, you could help offset my caffeine costs by chipping in for the price of a cup of joe:
Game & Word-of-Mouth: How to Support My Work
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See you next week!